Motherhood does NOT need to be a solo sport…
Hello, friend. In this letter, I share a truth that baffled me and extend a special invitation. Read until the end... 💌
Back in August, I found myself navigating the intricacies of early pregnancy – not only a new physical symptom everyday, but also a constant state of bewilderment. However miraculous and transformative the initiation into motherhood, it unfolded within a societal structure that seemed to undervalue this experience. In the West, we celebrate personal achievements, patriarchal pursuits, and individualistic healing paths, more than the sacred journey of motherhood. Between trips to the bathroom, a resounding truth echoed within me –where is the village?
Our current 'work systems' are not working, they are failing us all, particularly women. I knew this before— but I REALLY knew it now. If a collective consciousness does not hit you smack in the face when you enter this dimension, I don't know what will.
The cry of every new mother echoed in my mind:
Where is the village?
Where is the village?
Where is the village?
During a panel discussion on motherhood and leadership, a speaker championing a collectivist culture suggested that by radically centering the most vulnerable – the mamas-to-be and new mamas – we could reshape everything around us. It's time to reimagine and rebuild the village we all long for and deserve.
With my baby due early Spring, I've decided to open one more cohort before going on leave. It will be different than the deep transformation work I hold space for through my coaching containers, though you can always expect depth. A daily morning meeting for the Superslow Mamas, including a gentle facilitated embodiment practice and an open space for sharing.
There was truly an arc to my pregnancy experience, which I will write about in a separate piece. For now, I can say that I have both the awareness and energy to create what I needed at the beginning, and need just as much today. Pregnancy, like all profound inner journeys, is often best understood in retrospect, when we zoom out.
I'm excited to share with you the teachings that have carried me through this time. And, I aim to be a beacon of positivity on your path. Introducing:
You don't need to do this by yourself. Join us.
– SA
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The Let's Go Superslow Newsletter is your all-encompassing invitation to hit the brakes and embrace the Superslow movement, where rest, reflection, and connection take center stage.
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