Freedom Path

One-on-one coaching through the 8-week Freedom Path™ course for personal healing, freedom, and expansion.

*accompanied by weekly coaching sessions facilitated by Sara

When we are free on the inside, our world reflects it back to us in all aspects of our lives: our relationships, work, our everyday. Freedom is a practice, not a static endpoint. We have to cultivate it with intention, daily.

Through this process, you will become accustomed to asking yourself:

Where in my life am I not free?

What thoughts, patterns, emotions, and energies are keeping me stuck?

You will learn to listen to your intuition, your inner voice, to guide you about which ways of being are blocking your freedom path, and which aspects of yourself are longing to be free. Naturally, when you release what isn’t yours, what’s true for you can root in its place.

I’ve curated practices to help you overcome the resistance of the mind, and discover the way of the body as a path to expanding the freedom in your life from the inside-out.

How It Works

Program practices

✧ Each week, during our live meetings, I will facilitate embodiment practices (meditation, visualization, and movement) and transformative teachings followed by integration (sharing)

✧ In between sessions, you will complete weekly course material in your portal to support your personal transformation process

Session Schedule Breakdown

Upon enrollment, Sara will schedule 8 sessions into your calendar based on your shared availability.

What’s Included?

My personal commitment and full support throughout your journey,

  • 8 Weekly 75-minute Zoom coaching sessions (inquire about in-person)

  • Access to the course portal with weekly material and prompts for your weekly take-home practices

  • Guided meditations & visualizations, and facilitated movement

  • Curated Spotify playlists for every stage of the process

  • Access into the Freedom Path community beyond completion

  • First dibs invitations + exclusive discounts to in-person gatherings for our community (including retreats)

Freedom is not granted to us— every single day, we must choose it.

Our story can be our biggest obstacle or greatest catalyst. At any moment we choose, we have the power to transform it and set ourselves on our freedom path.
— Sara

Sara wants everyone to be free, you feel it so deeply from her. After Freedom Path, I feel empowered to fully embrace who I am becoming and not be afraid. I am also more connected to my body through the movement meditations which have been a wonderful challenge for me. I love the group environment for the support and friendships formed. Such a special experience!— Gabrielle

“An opportunity to move through and release stagnant energy and reclaim parts of yourself, leaving you empowered and energized to show up differently in the world. Sara holds space with her open, devotional energy, inviting everyone’s fullest expression into the room. You will leave with a deep sense of connection to self and liberation from mental limitations. I highly recommend!” — Steph

I joined Freedom Path at a time I didn't know I would need it the most. The introspection, exploration, and community support fostered in this program allowed me to uncover patterns and desires to become the best version of myself. Sara offered practical tools to help me develop a new sense of empowerment, set healthy boundaries, and discover new ways of self-expression. As someone who struggled with traditional meditation, Freedom Path helped me integrate new ways to become attuned with my body and emotions to cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace. Sara's genuine compassion, wisdom, and guidance are unparalleled. I wholeheartedly recommend!— Jehan

“Freedom Path is a space where each person is allowed to bring their whole self in whatever form felt at any given moment. During the first meeting each woman shared some version of “I don’t know what I’m doing exactly or what’s going to happen, but I know I can’t go on with my life without doing this work”. The safety & support of this community has been profound. Every time I show up to a call, I have no idea what will happen. But giving into the mystery creates magic. We flow with it, and Sara slows us down or moves us forward intuitively.” — MG



A multi-dimensional approach combining mindset coaching, embodiment, and soul-nourishing practices to forge your path

Week 1: OPEN

We open our container by meeting the body, tapping into our emotions, learning to name them, and activating the power of movement.

Week 2: DEEPEN

We deepen our awareness of our emotional baggage and patterns— a powerful first step to diffusing stuck energy.


We meet our edges while releasing old stories to create space for our full self to emerge.

Week 4: SOFTEN

We open up to the softness that slowness invites, and to the role of rest in reclaiming aspects of our essence and refilling our cup.


We dive into the themes of compassion and forgiveness to understand their role in Self- and Relational-healing.


We meet our inner wild essence. We live into the question: What is freedom embodied?

Week 7: SEED

When we free our essence, we meet our potential. We plant seeds of love and creative fulfillment.

Week 8: SEEN

We integrate our experience through a reflection of our learnings throughout the process.

This is for you if:

✓ You are in a rut or rock-bottom and are open to new ways to diffuse stuck energy

✓ You are in a transitional moment or seeking a shift

✓ You feel ready to awaken to your full expressive potential

✓ You are seeking liberation in many/all aspects of your life

✓ You are on your healing journey and want a safe space for processing, integrating, and moving forward in your path

✓ [group cohorts] You enjoy group experiences and want to deepen your inner & outer connection

✓ [group cohorts] You desire a community to grow with and keep you accountable as you call in the next version of yourself

Key Outcomes:

  1. Embodiment You will deepen your connection to your energetic and emotional body, and unleash your natural wisdom

  2. Emotional Regulation & capacity You will learn necessary skills for regulating your emotions and your nervous system while expanding your capacity to feel, express, and move through emotions— thereby healing & freeing your inner child

  3. Story + Pattern Clarity You will gain crystal clear clarity on the internal blocks keeping you from crossing over your threshold

  4. Story Alchemy You will transform that limiting story into your Freedom Path and activate your potential

  5. Neuroplasticity/Subconscious Rewiring You will expand your capacity for what you believe is possible in every area of your life

  6. Voice Activation You will uncover your natural confidence and practice sharing your message vocally, in community


Investment and Commitment

Enroll & Create your Freedom Path

8 Week Coaching Investment, teaching portal, Sara’s devotion to your process, and practice library:

Standard: $1,777

Sliding Scale: You are committed to your Freedom Path, but you are truly not able to pay the full price. We offer reduced rates for moments like this. Reach out to to inquire. Limited spots.

Enroll now.

*To set up installment payments, kindly contact

Kindly note, this is our introductory module to Freedom Path with a key focus on Inner Child healing. Each week you will bridge the distance between you and your inner child through healthy emotional exploration. Upon completing this module you will feel as though you have completed a necessary cycle of childhood to relieve you from past suffering going forward.

We recommend completing this course before signing up for our new course Inner Wild™ coming soon.

“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions:

When did you stop dancing?

When did you stop singing?

When did you stop being enchanted by stories?

When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?”

— Gabrielle Roth

… we hope you join us in this dance


  • We welcome people of all ages into our coaching programs. We’ve learned in working with people at varying life stages that in any stage in life we must reflect in order to progress.

  • We welcome all people into our coaching programs. We celebrate the elements of both the masculine and feminine in our programs, which all humans have. We promote seeking a healthy balance of both energies in all people for greater integration. With that said, this space in particular is reserved for people who identify as women.

  • All our calls are planned to occur remotely to allow for people to join from anywhere. We celebrate a diverse cohort! That said, should you find yourself in New York you will be invited to meet with your coach and cohort at least once.

  • Each class holds up to 7 women. We like to maintain the intimacy of the group to maximize the value and attention provided to each member.


A Guided Exploration of Your Past 

First, I’ll help you understand how your past has shaped you. Next, we’ll integrate newfound insights to illuminate your path ahead.

Dissolve & Breakthrough

We’ll identify where your story requires change. We’ll then immerse into embodiment and alchemy to rewire beliefs and activate your full potential.

Embody your Freedom

We’ll give life to your natural talents and gifts to lead and create with. It’s not enough to know Freedom, you have to become it.