When in doubt, take the horse.

I've held onto this story for a while, letting its lessons simmer. But with the new year's focus on slowing down & welcoming support, the time feels just right to share. It's a tale of surrendering control, embracing support, and finding harmony with my body—ever-present themes in my journey to motherhood today. 

Last Summer, just before my pregnancy, I shared with my friend Nour my desire to push my body beyond its usual limits. I wanted to do something that maximized my body's potential in the present moment, a feat impossible during pregnancy and likely for some time after. Nour, amused, asked me “like what?". Half-seriously, I said "I don't know, hike to Machu Picchu?"

In June, we met in Cusco, Peru, to acclimate before embarking on the Salkantay trail—a breathtaking route to Machu Picchu. Over four days and 40 miles, reaching an elevation of 4630 m (15,190 ft), my journey wasn't just about discovering what my body could do. The mountains held a crucial lesson: recognizing when to slow down and refrain from pushing further.


Despite a robust start, I faced a clicking in my knee on day two, known to be the toughest day of the trek. Initially, I dismissed it, eager to press on with my crew. An hour in, our guide, Carlos, noticed my altered walk and asked about my knee. Acknowledging the issue, he warned of more inclines ahead and a challenging descent. He offered a solution: a horse was available for the ascent, but not for the descent (when I would need my knee even more). Wrestling with my ego, I forged ahead. The mental chatter sounded like, 'Take the horse? Abandon my team? What happened to me? I was leading the pack yesterday… I can endure another hour; I know I can.'Despite declining the horse initially, moments later, I paused to stretch; that's when Nour intervened: “Sara, take the horse”.  It was a pivotal moment.

The truth is, accepting support wasn't a letdown to anybody; refusing it was a disservice to my body. The insight from my trip became clear—both trekking on foot and riding the horse were significant parts of the journey. One showed me my potential, while the other emphasized acknowledging limits. True strength isn't solely about pushing limits, but also about listening to our body's needs consistently. As you ascend to new heights this year, don't forget to lean on your community for support—sometimes, taking a break on the horse is the wisest step of the journey.

As an Embodiment coach, a cornerstone of my work is guiding clients to practice radical listening to their body's needs—especially when the ego or resistant self has other plans. My journey to Machu Picchu exemplifies that this work is ongoing; embodiment is a practice not a static endpoint. Your bite for this week is to stretch into your potential, AND learn when to get on the horse! It's an insight applicable to everyone, and a nugget I've found particularly valuable in my journey through pregnancy—when I'm literally stretching wide and needing more support than ever. Are you wanting to reconnect with your body? Click this link to book a free 30-minute consultation! &

You don't need to do this by yourself. Join us.

– SA

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